Department of Social Problems and Public Policy
pokój 208
Office Hours:
9.00 - 10.00
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prof. ucz. dr hab. Anna Kiersztyn
Research interests
labour market inequalities and their dynamics, socioeconomic consequences of non-standard employment forms, work situation of the young generation
2000 – MA, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
2005 – PhD, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
Selected publications
2017 (ed., coed. D. Życzyńska-Ciołek, K. Słomczyński): Rozwarstwienie społeczne: zasoby, szanse i bariery. Polskie badanie Panelowe POLPAN 1998–2013. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN. (Here also several authored or coauthored chapters.)
2016: Fixed-Term Employment and Occupational Position in Poland: The Heterogeneity of Temporary Jobs. European Sociological Review, 32(6), 881–894.
2016: Which Clouds have Silver Linings: Fixed-term Employment, Psychological Distress, and Occupational Position in Poland. International Journal Of Sociology, 46(4), 264–287.
2015:Niepewne uczestnictwo – młodzi na polskim rynku pracy w latach 2008–2013. Warszawa: Zespół Porównawczych Analiz Nierówności Społecznych IFiS PAN.
2015: Solidarity Lost? Low Pay Persistence During the Post-Communist Transition in Poland. Polish Sociological Review, 192(4), 493–509.
2013: Stuck in a mismatch? The Persistence of Overeducation During Twenty Years of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland. Economics of Education Review, 32(1), 78–91.
Link to the Polish National Bibliography
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