Department of General Sociology
room 212
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prof. ucz. dr hab. Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska
Research interests
migration studies, new sociological theories, problems of identity and of institutional and demographic societal transformations, sociology of ethnicity
2000 – MA, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw
2005 – PhD, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
2017 – Hab., Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Warsaw
Selected publications
2017 (coauth. A. Brzozowska): From Drifting to Anchoring. Capturing the Experience of Ukrainian Migrants in Poland. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 6 (online first), 1–22.
2016: Social Anchoring: Immigrant Identity, Adaptation and Integration Reconnected? Sociology: The Journal of the British Sociological Association, 50(6), 1123–1139.
2014 (coauth. H. Grzymała-Moszczyńska): The Anguish of Repatriation: Immigration to Poland and Integration of Polish Descendants from Kazakhstan. East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, 28(3), 593–613.
2014: The Role of Different Forms of Bridging Capital for Immigrant Adaptation and Upward Mobility: The Case of Ukrainian and Vietnamese Immigrants Settled in Poland. Ethnicities, 15(3), 460–490.
2012 (coauth. H. Grzymała-Moszczyńska): Repatrianci z Kazachstanu – charakterystyka i główne problem adaptacyjne. Warszawa: Komitet Badań nad Migracjami PAN.
Link to the Polish National Bibliography
See the USOSweb profile
Other activities and projects