Department of the Sociology of Culture
pokój 204
Office Hours:
18.30 - 19.30
Google Meet after e-mail appointment
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Hałas
Research interests
relational sociology, cultural sociology, theory of culture and semiotics of culture, symbolic interactions and social symbolism, social imaginaries, collective memory and politics of symbolization, theoretical sociology, history of sociological thought and history of ideas
1978 – MA, Faculty of the Social Sciences, The Catholic University of Lublin
1986 – PhD, Faculty of the Social Sciences, The Catholic University of Lublin
1993 – Hab., Faculty of the Social Sciences, The Catholic University of Lublin
2003 – Full professor
Selected publications
2017: Building the Culture of Inclusive Solidarity, w: Stefano Zamagni, Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo (red.), Inclusive Solidarity and Integration of Marginalized People, Vatican City 2017: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, s. 81-96.
2017: The Place of Culture in Relational Sociology, “State of Affairs / Stan Rzeczy”, special issue: The Relational Turn in Sociology: Implications for the Study of Society, Culture and Persons; guest editors Elżbieta Hałas, Pierpaolo Donati, 2017, vol. 12, s. 115-138.
2017: David Riesman's Unpublished Writings and Continuing Legacy, ed. by Keith Kerr, B. Garrick Harden and Marcus Aldredge, "Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews", vol. 46, nr 2, s. 194-196.
2017: The Future Orientation of Culture and the Memory of the Past in the Making of History, “Sign System Studies”, vol. 45, nr 3-4, special issue: Semiotics and History: Boris Uspenskij 80, s. 361-379.
2016: The Myth of the Cultural Community in International Relations, w: Kirsti Jõesalu and Anu Kannike (red.), Cultural Patterns and Life Stories, Tallin: Tallin University Press, s. 333-351.
2016: Symbolic Transformations: State Symbolism and the Fall of Communism in Poland, w: Elżbieta Hałas (red.), Life-World, Intersubjectivity and Culture. Contemporary Dilemmas, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, s. 129-146.
2016: Conversation of Gestures. W: George Ritzer (red.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. DOI: 10.1111/b.9781405124331.2007.x.
2016: Crisis or Fluidity? Florian Znaniecki's Theory of Civilization. Historická Sociologie. Časopis pro Historické Sociální Vědy / Historical Sociology. A Journal of Historical Social Sciences. Issue 2, s. 9–27.
2016:Cultural Sociology in Poland. W: S. Moebius, F. Nungesser, K. Scherke (red.), Handbuch Kultursoziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer, s. 1-13.
2016 Elżbieta Hałas (red.): Life-World, Intersubjectivity and Culture. Contemporary Dilemmas. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
2016: Through Social Values to the Reinterpretation of Sociology’s Ethical Neutrality. Sociologia e Politiche Sociali, vol. 19, nr 1, s. 67–79.
2015: Przez pryzmat kultury. Dylematy badań nad współczesnością. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
2015: Öffentliche Symbole und polnische Identität. Wandel und Uneindeutigkeit im Kalender der staatlichen Feiertage in der Dritten Republik, w: R. Traba, P.O. Loew (red.), Deutsch-Polnische Erinnerungsorte, tom 5: Erinnerung auf Polnisch Texte zu Theorie und Praxis des sozialen Gedächtnisses, Padeborn: Ferdinand Schöning, s. 267-288.
2014: Between Rejection of Religion and World-Saving. Itineraries of Sociology and Postsecular Social Theory, “Polish Sociological Review”, nr 2, s. 167-178.
2010: Towards the World Culture Society. Florian Znaniecki’s Culturalism, Frankfurt Am Main: Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
Link to the Polish National Bibliography
See the USOSweb profile
Other activities and projects
since 2019 member: Council of Scientific Excellence
since 2019 member: Scientific Council of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences
since 2019 member: Scientific Council of the Discipline of Sociology University of Warsaw
since 2019 member: Council of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences, University of Warsaw
since 2017 Associate Member - The Research Centre for Cultures, Religions and International Affairs – University of Bologna (Italy)
Member: Scientific Committee of the Network „Relational Studies in Sociology”
International Member: Centre for Relational Sociology PROS-TI (Bologna, Italy)
Project: Social space, field and relationality in social researches – contemporary and historical financed by National Agency of Academic Exchange (NAWA) in the program Academic International Partnerships (realized in Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw and in Professor Robert Zajonc Institute of Social Studies, University of Warsaw since December 1, 2019 till September 30, 2021).
Politics of Symbolization Accross Central and Eastern Europe. Coorganizer of international conference Warsaw, 2020.