The Department of Statistics, Demography, and Mathematical Sociology (chair)
room 22
Office Hours:
11.30 - 12.30
distance (zoom)
dr hab. Jacek Haman
Research interests
formal political theory, quantitative social research methodology, statistical methods in social sciences, game theory and its applications in sociology and political sciences, social choice theory, sociology of education
1994 - MA, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
2002 - doctor, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
2014 - habilitation, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Warsaw
Selected publications
2017: The concept of degressive and progressive proportionality and its normative and descriptive applications. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, issue 2, 67–91.
2017: Progresywna proporcjonalność jako cecha systemu wyborczego. Decyzje, 14(1), 69–88.
2014:Gry wokół nas. Socjolog i teoria gier. Warszawa: Scholar.
2011 (współaut. G. Lissowski, M. Jasiński): Podstawy statystyki dla socjologów. Tom 1: Opis statystyczny, Tom 2. Zależności statystyczne, Tom 3: Wnioskowanie statystyczne. Warszawa: Scholar. Wydanie drugie poprawione.
Link to the Polish National Bibliography
See the USOSweb profile
Other activities and projects
Member of the Academic Board of Center for Quantitative Research in Political Science of the Jagiellonian University