Department of Social Psychology
room 312
On leave until Spring 2018.
Office Hours:
distance, after e-mail appointment.
dr hab. Anna Przybylska
Research interests
local communities; media sociology; (new) media and power; public consultations; theories, methods, and tools of deliberation
1998 – MA, Institute of Social Policy, University of Warsaw
2000 – MA, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam
2007 – PhD, Institute of Journalism, University of Warsaw
Selected publications
2017 (ed.): ICT for Dialogue and inclusive Decision-Making. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. (Here also several authored or coauthored chapters.).
2016: O potrzebie jakościowej zmiany w konsultacjach społecznych w mieście. Przegląd Europejski, 41(3), 148–166.
2015 (ed., coed. S. Coleman, Y. Sintomer): Deliberation and Democracy: Innovative Processes and Institutions. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
2015 (ed., coeds. M. Lewicki, S. Mandes, A. Przybylska, M. Sikorska, C. Trutkowski): Socjologia uspołecznienia. Księga dedykowana Profesor Mirosławie Marody. Warszawa: Scholar.
2014 (ed., coed. A. Giza): Partycypacja obywatelska. Od teorii do praktyki społecznej. Warszawa: Scholar.
Link to the Polish National Bibliography
See the USOSweb profile