Department of Statistics, Demography, and Mathematical Sociology
pokój 22
Office Hours:
dr Agata Komendant-Brodowska
Research interests
modelling and simulations (Computational Social Sciences), sociology of education - educational decisions, game theory
2007 – MA, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
2011 - research projects management, Łazarski University
2014 – PhD, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
Selected publications
Jager, W., Abramczuk, K., Komendant-Brodowska,A., Baczko-Dombi, A., Fecher, B. Sokolovska,N., Spits,T. (2019). Looking into the educational mirror: why computation is hardly being taught in the social sciences, and what to do about it Social Simulation Conference Proceedings (in print)
Zając T., Komendant-Brodowska A. (2019). Premeditated, Dismissed, and Disenchanted: Higher Education Dropouts in Poland, Tertiary Education and Management 1(25), 1-16
Komendant-Brodowska, A. (2017). Between the right and the common. How groups react to socially undesireable behaviour, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 50 (63)
Komendant-Brodowska, A. (2014). Świadkowie przemocy na strukturalnym polu minowym. Analiza zależności między strukturą grupy a zakresem reakcji na agresję. Decyzje, nr 22/2014, s.117-146
Komendant-Brodowska, A. (2014). Agresja i przemoc szkolna - raport o stanie badań. Analizy IBE 2014/01, http://eduentuzjasci.pl/publikacje-ee-lista.html
Komendant-Brodowska, A. (2009). Grzech zaniechania. Świadkowie przemocy szkolnej w perspektywie teorii gier. Decyzje, nr 11/2009, s.5-47
See the USOSweb profile
Other activities and projects
Project Coordinator - ACTISS - Action for Computational Thinking in Social Sciences, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union